
Taking back old electrical equipment

We hereby inform you about the disposal of old electrical and electronic equipment by CSL Computer GmbH on the basis of the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) and Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and Council on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

If you own an old electrical or electronic device and want to dispose of it, you are obliged under the ElektroG to collect it separately from unsorted municipal waste. All electrical and electronic devices placed on the European market must be marked with the symbol shown below. If necessary in exceptional cases due to the size or the function of the electrical or electronic device, the symbol must be printed on the packaging, the instructions for use or the guarantee certificate for the electrical or electronic device instead of on the device in order to show that these devices are subject to the ElektroG or the WEEE Directive and for this reason must be collected separately from unsorted municipal waste:

WEEE Richtlinie Symbol (Abfalltonne durchkreuzt mit Balken)

Under what conditions can old devices be returned via CSL-Computer GmbH for disposal?

You can return the specified devices to CSL for disposal in the following cases: Unless you have an electrical or electronic device

that is subject to the ElektroG and that is to be delivered to an address in Germany, you can return an old device of the same type of device that performs essentially the same functions as the new device to CSL.
Regardless of whether you have purchased a new device from CSL, you can return old devices that are no larger than 25 cm in any external dimension.
None of the old devices need to have been previously purchased from CSL.

Which devices are covered by the provision?

Electrical and electronic devices are affected that generate, consume, transmit or measure electrical currents or electromagnetic fields for their proper operation and are designed for voltages of max. 1,000V (alternating current) or 1,500V (direct current) – unless there is an exception is applicable.

In addition, they must fall into one of the following ten device categories listed in Appendix I of the ElektroG:

  • Large household appliances
  • Small household appliances
  • Information and telecommunications technology devices
  • Consumer electronics devices and photovoltaic modules
  • Lighting fixtures
  • Electrical and electronic tools
  • Toys and sports and leisure equipment
  • Medical equipment
  • Monitoring and control tools
  • Automatic output devices

The website of the EAR Foundation provides up-to-date information about the interpretation of the scope. In addition, the device assignment overview contains selected examples of the assignment practice of individual electrical and electronic devices to the ten categories of the ElektroG: https://www.stiftung-ear.de/hersteller/geraetezuordnungsuebersicht/

Exceptions under section 2 paragraph 2 ElektroG

Devices do not fall under the new law if they are part of another device that does not fall within the scope. In addition, they only have to be able to fulfil their function specifically as part of this device. Examples are built-in car radios, which fall under the end-of-life vehicle ordinance, or separately sold cables that are only used to transmit electricity (extension cables, speaker cables, HDMI cables). By contrast, the law includes cable drums with overload protection, overvoltage monitoring or mains filters and interchangeable car radios. The following are also explicitly excluded:

  • Lightbulbs
  • Fixed large industrial tools
  • Fixed large systems
  • Movable machinery (commercially used, not intended for road traffic)
  • Means of transport for the transport of people and goods (special rules for e-bikes)
  • Devices for the purpose of research and development, to protect the security interests of the Federal Republic of Germany and certain medical devices and in vitro diagnostics that become infectious before the end of their useful life


  1. You have the option of returning your obsolete device free of charge to the company address Hanseatenstr. 34, 30853 Langenhagen, Germany.
  2. For old devices with a weight of up to 31 kg and the maximum package dimensions of 120 x 60 x 60 cm, you can create and print out a pre-paid shipping label with DHL for the return. To do this, contact us by telephone on +49 511 / 76 900 100 or by e-mail to [email protected].
  3. You have the option during the ordering process to select a free return of your old device.
      Yes, I have old equipment to return.

      Select "Yes, I have old equipment to return." from the drop-down menu before completing the order.

      E-Mail with DHL return label

      You will receive an email with DHL return label in a timely manner.

      Stick the return label

      Stick the return label on the package with your old device.

      device to the DHL courier or drop off the package at a DHL station

      Hand over your old device to the DHL courier with your CSL computer order.
      You drop off the package at a DHL station within the specified time.

      Existing data carriers will be destroyed

      Existing data carriers will be destroyed by us after the arrival of your old device.

You are responsible for ensuring that there is no personal data on the old devices you return. Therefore, please ensure that you delete your personal data from your old device before returning it.


You can dispose of your old electrical or electronic equipment at a public waste disposal authority (municipal recycling depots).
Is your old device still in good condition or can it be repaired? In this case, a donation to a charity is still a good recycling option.

How does CSL ensure the safe disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment?

CSL is a member of the Stiftung ear (Foundation for Old Electronic Devices Register) with reg. no. 94495668 (information and telecommunications technology equipment).


Through this membership, CSL ensures the safe disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Further information, also on the public waste disposal authorities, can be found at https://www.stiftung-ear.de/oere/

Information obligations pursuant to section 18 paragraph 2 of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act

For more information, see https://www.bmu.de/themen/wasser-abfall-boden/abfallwirtschaft/statistiken/elektro-und-elektronikaltgeraete/
