

CSL Computer GmbH
Hanseatenstraße 34
30853 Langenhagen

Phone: +49 511 / 76 900 100
Fax: +49 511 / 76 900 199

E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.csl-computer.com

Register Court: Hanover Local Court
Registration number: HRB 224248
VAT ID: DE813669712
Managing Director: Benjamin Lüke, Dennis Möller

Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung (EPR) in Europa
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Europe
Responsabilité élargie du producteur (REP) en Europe
Responsabilità estesa del produttore (EPR) in Europa

Deutschland / Germany / Allemagne
Registration number WEEE und Batterien: DE94495668
Registration number ZSVR: DE2792120071716

Frankreich / France / France
IDU DEEE: FR044483_05OT5S
IDU Emballage: FR268258_01YMZW
IDU Papiers graphiques: FR268258_03QQVR
IDU Piles et Batteries: FR317244_06WBDX

Italien / Italy / l'Italie
Registro AEE al N°: IT23050000014847
Registro Pile ed Accumulatori al N°: IT23060P00008832
Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) contains materials and substances that may have harmful effects on human health and the environment. Accordingly, this EEE product is not to be disposed of in ordinary household waste, but must be collected separately. For information on authorized collection points in your area, please contact your local city or municipal authority.

Spanien / Spain / Espagne
Registro de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RII-AEE): 9774
Registro nacional de productores de pilas y acumuladores (RII-PYA): 3214

Legal information about the website

All texts, images and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the site operator. Duplication, distribution or public reproduction is only permitted with the revocable and non-transferable consent of the site operator.
Links referring to the contents of this website require the consent of the site operator. Such consent must be applied for anew with each fundamental change of the website content; it can be revoked informally at any time. Links to illegal, offensive, misleading, defamatory or adult content are excluded in all cases.
The contents of our website are created with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given that it is up-to-date and complete.

The site operator accepts no responsibility for any web content linked to this site, as this is not the operator's own content. External links have been checked for illegal content, but no such content was identifiable at the time. However, there is no general obligation to monitor and check external content.

Trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective owners.

The Internet platform for the online settlement of disputes of the EU (so-called OS platform) can be reached via the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr


Information on taking back old electrical appliances

Here you will find information on taking back old electrical appliances.
To the information

Information obligations according to §18 Abs. 2 Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz unter https://www.bmu.de/themen/wasser-abfall-boden/abfallwirtschaft/statistiken/elektro-und-elektronikaltgeraete/



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